Well, technically not for us this year but it's a very fun thought to imagine. I feel I've done it all to celebrate the coming of the new year. The only things I've never done, and will never do is head into NYC to watch the ball drop. It's way overcrowded and I have no interest standing in the cold for hours on end. When I think back I really have done every combination possible to ring in the New Year, be it a bar, club, someones house party, stayed in with friends & family or dinner and a comedy show. I've even banged pots and pans many years when that fabulous ball dropped. This year we are staying in by ourselves. 2012 will bring (God willing) many changes for us, and we want to take the chance to be solo this year. Now if we were to have a fancy Mad Men New Years party, this is some of what it would look like. Mr B. would adorn these fancy beauties Our guests would drink from these We'd tidy spills with these I would be wear...