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Showing posts from May, 2013

Stressed blessed

Strange title right? Let me explain. Over the weekend we put our a/c on in our bedroom and it smelled disgusting. We call for service, being the planner I am, we of course have a service contract... So they come to service it and they tell me it needs to be taken out of the wall for two week to be cleaned etc. etc..... LONG story short we need a new a/c, this one is shy of three years old and the old service contract I paid in full for, is now gone with the unit. New a/c = new service contract =  more $ spent.... So this stressed me out. We also have a lot of things happening in the next few months. We have three monumental birthdays coming up for loved ones, a bridal shower to celebrate, a baby being born, a wedding, our son's dedication, Father's day, Memorial day and house guests coming to stay with us ... all which we need $ to purchase gifts, outfits or items for... So this stressed me out. Then, I sat back and thought about it. I realized ...

Overnight magic

It's like it happened overnight. Some how, some way, I learned Lil B's non verbal ques. A friend once told me that I would get to know them soon enough, I believed her, but really had no idea what she was talking about in the beginging. But now, I now can tell you what each cry, fuss, or laugh mean... Yes, he has different laughs ! And he gets the hiccups just like his momma when he laughs a lot.  It is pretty mind blowing when it happens, it really felt like it was overnight. Lil B is 5 1/2 months and every single day he amazes me. I just love him so. Here is a pic from our weekend. Love these two so much.

My very 1st Mother's Day

It was nothing special, but amazingly relaxing and shared with our moms too. Here are some pictures from my day.   Someone has a prezzie for me !!!!   It's his birthstone !!! How did he know I wanted this lol ???!!!   Here was my original plan, because of this pin on Pinterest... Clearly I could not wear them all, I couldn't bend my finger  !!! So back to be re sized it went for my right hand. Not a big deal, live and learn ! Here's my love giving me my card on Mother's Day... and he wrote in it. Do you see that "capital A?" The kid is a genius !! I received tons of cards from everyone. So blessed ! My mom got me this super cool book. So many great ideas in it. I have saved tons of the pages. My mother in law peaked my blog and purchased me this pillow with our wedding date on it. She also got me crystal salt and pepper shakers I had wanted. So awesome ! Mr. B was going to cook for us, but I said no ...