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Showing posts from April, 2019

They days are long, but the years are short

The other night I went to my dreaded dental appointment and chit chatted with my dentist about kids. (sidebar: Am I really this old that I am talking with others about kids !? LOL) Any how, we talked about how one of his kids will be graduating college and the other finishing their freshman year in college this year. He said to me it goes so, so fast. I replied with the standard, "sure, but some days are quite long right?" He chuckled and said, " yes, but those YEARS just go faster and faster." This got me thinking. I am in the thick of a spicy six year old. It's a constant battle of no patience on both of our ends. Some days I think to myself, "how on earth have I failed here?" I feel like I am in a constant push and pull with him. My husband and I are his playmates. He's in a stage where he would rather have us play a game with him, build with him, play super heroes with him, than play quietly on his own.  We don't mind it too much, but we ...