I really do not love our full bathroom that we have. There are literally three different types of wall coverings in it. Tile, cedar plank and paneling !!! I do love the paint color and new flooring we did though...
You can see the walls in these pics and if you look close under the floor rugs you can see tile...

So after perusing some other blogs, I realized instead of taking down all walls, removing sink and toilet... then re sheet rocking,
this will be an easier solution for now.
So here is some inspiration for it. Maybe this curtain, but who knows what kind of artwork to go with it...

or go w this ..this is vintage wallpaper that I would frame, but I am not sure if putting an ivory curtain will be ok with sharing with the hubs... hmmm

I'll also repaint too. I am thinking of painting the walls on color and then the ceiling a light shade or same color... lots to do !
You can see the walls in these pics and if you look close under the floor rugs you can see tile...

So after perusing some other blogs, I realized instead of taking down all walls, removing sink and toilet... then re sheet rocking,
this will be an easier solution for now.
So here is some inspiration for it. Maybe this curtain, but who knows what kind of artwork to go with it...

or go w this ..this is vintage wallpaper that I would frame, but I am not sure if putting an ivory curtain will be ok with sharing with the hubs... hmmm

I'll also repaint too. I am thinking of painting the walls on color and then the ceiling a light shade or same color... lots to do !