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Allow myself to introduce myself

When I started my blog I never really introduced myself so I figured I would start the new year off with some random things that you may not know about me.  Maybe some of you do know some but maybe there is something new here to learn.

I speak to God every night and 4 out of the 5 mornings before I enter work.

I was raised Catholic, and only came into my Christian faith in 2008. It's been the most amazing thing to connect with God. 

I love the smell of laundromats. Such a clean scent.

Mr. B always lays out pajamas for me after a long terrible day. Such a cutie.

I met my Mr. B on Memorial day weekend in 2002 and knew I'd marry him Valentine's day 2003.

Our cat Zero is 8 years old. He is white and we named him after the dog from the Nightmare before Christmas.

I haven't had my hair cut in 10 months. I've trimmed here and there because I am naturally curly, so self trimming is very forgiving. Yesterday was my first hair cut in months. Can we say this girl needed reshaping !

My mother is hands down my best friend. She knows literally everything about me.

My mom named me Elizabeth because she loved the name Beth. But Beth didn't go well with my middle name so Elizabeth it was. My middle name is Jane, after my grandmother. Miss that lady every single day.

I love to cook but hate to bake. I really put my love for my friends and family into what I make for them.

I love to host holidays but STRESS out when I am trying to get things done for them. Guess those things go hand in hand in my book.

I've worked at the same company for 12 years of my life. I get called horrid names from strangers on a regular basis. Sad but true. It's so not good for my soul but that's why I keep a constant connection to God.

I would love to become an advocate for child sexual abuse. Too much of it in this world and not enough options for kids to turn. Sad really. Maybe one day.

I love all things vintage. I get more excited when I score a "new" vintage dress then when I get an actual new dress on sale.

I guess that's all for now. Want to know something? Comment to me and I will answer ya. 


Unknown said…
Hi Beth,
I noticed you popped by PPT and I wanted to come and visit you.

What a timely post, as we've just "met". You sound like someone who has a deep faith, strong core, cares about other and married to the love of your life.

Wishing you all the very best in 2012!
xo Elizabeth
redellen14 said…
I remember the very first day I held you in my arms..I had you on my shoulder and you picked up that tiny little head and looked me right in my eyes...I knew you where saying to me..You will always be my best friend! Love you baby

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