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This past Christmas I asked for a magazine subscription from my mother. I intended to ask for Country Living, but wrote Good Housekeeping instead. Oh well, win some lose some. I received the July issue yesterday and there was an article that I found quite interesting. It listed 50 simple acts of kindness.

Here's a few I loved :
# 2 Make a struggling family's summer by buying them a season pass to a municipal pool.
#3 Help a friend see today in a wondrous new light : Hand him or her a kaleidoscope
# Shower the pediatric wing of a hospital with $1 coloring books and $2 boxes of new crayons.
#6 Hang a sign on a bulletin board that says "take what you need"- with tear-off tabs for Love, Hope Faith and Courage.
#31 Load extra change into the vending machine to buy the next person a coke.
#34 Forgive someone. Repeat as necessary.

 Some that I've actually done :
# 4 If you are in a long line, invite the person behind you to go first.
#9 Curb road rage: Let other cars merge onto the highway.
#7 Bring courtesy back in an instant : Hold the door open with a flourish.
#33 Name a star after someone. (I've done this twice)
#43 Bring your spouse coffee in bed.

Looks like I need to try some more, my already done list is a little light =).


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