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Introducing the new love of our lives...

Noah Daniel B... he blessed us with his amazing self on December 6th, 2012 at 5:52 pm. He was 8lbs 2oz. and 19 3/4 inches long. It was a long pregnancy but it ended with such a beautiful baby sent from above. He's amazing. Every day I love him more and more. Each night I whisper in his ear that I want him to grow up to be kind, humble and caring of others and of course, that I love him. I pray he listens, it's like my heart knows he will. I seriously love this little guy !
Here are some pictures from our five hour, you heard that right, photo session with an amazing photographer. She was so kind, calm and soothing to our little baby B.  I am so happy that one of my friends connected me with her. What a blessing. Here are some of the sneak peaks of the session.
Check her out here
 and be sure to like her here
                                                 A boy and his little super hero friends =)


Unknown said…
He's precious Beth!! I love that the pepsi crate made it into his pics :-D
redellen14 said…
I must say that this Grandma jumped up and down with joy when Noah made his grand entrance! It was a long pregnancy with a very long roller coaster ride, but in the end with the ride ended we were so blessed. The red hair was the best surprise of all. I always wanted a little redhead so it took me 4 kids and 3 other grandkids to finally get one! Beth and Keith are great parents, so kind and gentle with this little guy. He is such a calm little baby with a very bright smile. I have warned them that "redheads" are fire crackers and he will give them many laughs and so much love!
Jonsey said…
I agree - redheads are firecrackers! I love him to bits he is adorable and I am so happy for you Mama B!

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