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Biology, chemistry, God?

Maybe it's a bit of all. I am no expert since I am still learning, but here are some things I've come to notice within the last nine weeks. There is something I like to call "mommy radar." This is how I explain myself waking up right before Noah begins to stir or not being able to fall asleep until he drifts off again. Or when Mr. B takes him out of our room for me to catch some z's, I can still hear him awake, downstairs, in our two story home. I believe this "mommy radar" grows with us and allows us to tell when our child is into mischief, telling fibs, in pain, danger, needing love, etc. etc... It's confirmed "mommy radar" exists because it's covered in a book a very sweet friend gave to me when Noah was born. Check it out here

Another thing that makes me wonder, is that our babies begin to sleep longer the more satisfied they are from eating right? As time goes on and they get older, their tummies get bigger and can hold more food, could this be why they sleep longer the older they get? Is this why the first few weeks of a newborns life we are left with many sleepless zombie nights? If this is the case, when will Noah not want his bottle every two hours during the day ??? !!!! Hungry hippo I swear lol.

I've been a mom for nine weeks and I can tell you, I think it's hard when you have to go back to work. If you have to go back to work. For me, I wish I would've just enjoyed the time I spent home with Noah and not worry about the end of my maternity leave. But sadly, towards the end I did worry. I worried about all kinds of things, especially since I would be working from home. I worried about what kind of schedule we would have, would he be screaming in the background as I was on the line with clients and how well would I be able to keep up with being a mom, wife and employee? The answers : so far so good. My home is clean, my work is up to date, my child is happy, my husband feels loved and there is dinner on the table every single night. How long will that last? What do I know ! But for now, I can do it. Sure, some days are harder than others, but that's life !

This was my second week back and so far it's been OK. It's going to be an adjustment for sure. Here is a little glimpse inside my world right now. See my headset, phone cord and keyboard? Yea I am feeding Noah and trying to pay attention to people at work. This isn't my norm, most times I allow myself to step away from the computer to feed him, but there are times when it's just not as possible.

                 Life is certainly different these days but I would not change it for anything. The love I feel for this little babe is something I can not measure !


redellen14 said…
"Mommy radar" you can finally understand it! And it never goes away. Forty four, thirty-nine and thirty-three years my radar still is in full force. Just by the tone of the voice I know when things are good or bad. Since Noah is still in the "little" stage you have not experienced the "Mommy Worry" stage. As soon as he starts to explore it I hate to tell you this but that does not go away either! At 54 yrs old my beloved Mom still called me to make sure I was home safe and sound! Good luck with all the "Mommy Radars you will encounter"

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