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Signs, words, feelings.... eggs all in one basket

  1. 1.
    the quality or state of being strong, in particular.
    • physical power and energy.
      noun: strength
  2. 2.
    a good or beneficial quality or attribute of a person or thing.

Sometimes something just happens and you can't help but to ask, hmm, what's next? Then something may happen and you can't help to wonder what is the bigger plan here?  If I only had a crystal ball, or a sign from God, to know what could come next?

For the past month this has been what I have been feeling. Hit after hit. People I love are sick, people I love are struggling, and most close to me are trying to make hard decisions and choices with me. I understand that it "could be worse" or "this is a season" or "God only gives you as much as you can take..." but really? Things are so up in the air that I am not sure where the next few months will go or few years to come will go.

I try to breathe, like everyone says. I try not to be angry, or think negative thoughts, but for what? What's the point in not being angry sometimes? Life is hard. It never is easy and for me, each time I get "comfortable" it has it's way of becoming uncomfortable.

For now, I will just enjoy what I have and live day by day. Maybe minute by minute. Each day I pray and each day I talk to my angels in heaven. I hope they hear me. I know God has this, I truly do, but sometimes, I wish I knew what he was doing...


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