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It takes a village...

Sure, we've heard that saying in relation to raising kids right? But what about living every day life? Sometimes it does take a village just to get through your every day routine.

Most days we don't need extra hands on deck. But then, there are... those days. The ones where from start to finish it's a mess. Where everything goes wrong. When on top of everything going wrong, more bad news arrives. When it "feels" as if everyone else in the world seems to have it all. More than you could ever imagine... Those days is when it takes a village to pull us back up.

I've had too many of those days to count. Loneliness creeps in and you find yourself re evaluating everything. Relationships, decisions, friendships, life lines...but then it seems God has a way of putting more hands on deck. More check in calls that didn't happen in the days prior, texts or even social media comments that help you along to make you feel less alone. I see no coincidence there, it's really a divine intervention.

So for those darker days, hang on because help is coming !


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