Stay tuned...
I began to write a posting on July 17, before we knew what God had planned for our sweet Kim.... Kim was taken home that evening to heaven. My entire family is in shock. As I am writing this, tears are running down my face.... Please sweet Jesus watch over Kim, she is safe now with you and is in no pain. Please watch over our family, heal our hearts as we keep Kim alive within ourselves.: "I don't have a very large extended family. Some may think it is, but in reality, it's truly not. I have a few aunts, a few uncles and a few cousins. Most live in different states and many times, communication is sparse. But we are all bonded, in an unspoken way. When one of us is in need, we all speak up and rally. My cousin Kim lives in North Carolina. I have not seen her in "real life" in many years. Maybe the last time was my wedding ? ! But we keep up on each others lives via Facebook. When she recently visited my mom, I was able to see her via Facetime.... Love techno...