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Oh Irene, how I despise you...

Depending on who you ask on Long Island about Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene, you will get a different answer from each person.Some were not effected, some have lost cars, roofs of their homes, trees have come down in their yard and most of all, the loss of power. We have been without power since 7am Sunday morning and there are no answers on when it will be back on. It's been trying to say the least. The devastation that the storm has caused on the East coast is truly sad. Yes loosing power is not as bad as loosing lives, our homes or cars, but it's truly inconvenient. You do not feel human. Your schedule is completely off. We've lost all the food in our fridge and the contents of my freezer, I was lucky enough to bring to a friend's home. The cost of eating out for all three meals daily is becoming a huge burden. Not to mention other costs that will need to be done after we are back up and running.

For two days I could not go to work because we had no phones or internet. I stayed at my sister's during the day to kill time while my husband was at work. Better then going home in the dark alone. So grateful she hadn't gone back to school yet and I was able to be there for those days. Her and her husband also lent us their generator for us to use at night, so so grateful for that too. We use it only for a short period of time, because it doesn't run your entire home and the fumes that come off of it are not really good.

People have offered us meals, showers, stays at their home overnight and most of all a lending ear of support. That alone, is amazing. There is a misconception about us New Yorkers being rude but when we need to, we stick together. And this Hurricane is nothing short of that type of experience.

Of course we are trying to stay positive, but there are only so many games of Scrabble you can play and so many things you can do to keep yourself occupied.
And with Labor day weekend approaching, it's disheartening to realize that the plans you had, will not be done because you have no power.

Here are some pictures to share with you guys from what I have seen. I could have taken more on all different parts of the Island, but these can show you some of the idea of what's happened here. Could it have been worse, absolutely. Does it look as bad as Vermont or Upstate NY, nope. But the inconvenience of being literally powerless, makes you hope and pray that there will not be a larger storm in the future.

Here are the before shots, I prepared but that really didn't help much. I taped these windows because I was worried the trees on this side of the house would come through this window. Thank God that didn't happen.

Here are the trees I was worried about, this is the before of our side yard.

Same side after the storm

And more through out the back yard

Oh and this friendly branch that came down. It was big too. So happy it didn't cause damage.

This is a tree down by my sisters that the power authority states was not a priority to remove ! Unreal.

And the reason why I still have no power, 5 days after the storm...

This tree was cleared as of yesterday afternoon, but still no power.
Hoping for the best and back to my normal posting soon. Keep me in your thoughts peeps, I am afraid I may go postal ! ;)


redellen14 said…
I keep wishing and hopeing that it will be over for you soon!

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